red barn farms llc
 Call us: 540-729-3000
Red Barn Farms LLC is owned and operated by a husband and wife team who do all of the chores involved in the day-to-day operation of an alpaca breeding program.  When we first started our farm, we also had an AKC Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dog breeding program.  We were so proud to provide other farms with the protection these gentle giants could give their herds.  Unfortunately, our breeding pair died and the breeding program with them, but we still have three of their lineage watching over our herd.

Our Beginning
After much online research, several farm visits, and talking to as many alpaca owners as possible, we decided to become alpaca owners ourselves.  Our farm was once home to horses so the barn and fenced pastures were already in place, but until we could replace the horse fences with no-climb fencing, we decided to protect our herd with Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs.  A few weeks before bringing home our first alpacas, a breeding pair of Great Pyrenees dogs were purchased from a breeder in central Virginia.  We also added three exterior stalls and an interior whelping pen to the barn.  Red Barn Farms LLC came into being when we acquired seven alpacas from a West Virginia farm and brought them home to southeastern Virginia during an unexpected post-Christmas snow storm in December 2012.  In our first year of existence, we bought four more alpacas from a farm in Ohio, two litters of Pyrenees pups were born, RBF's first cria was born, and we came home from our first alpaca show with two second place ribbons.

Since then, we have experienced many wonderful moments: the birth of puppies and crias, purchasing more alpacas and seeing improvement in the quality of our herd and fiber.  

In 2022, we acquired the Show Panel Rental business from Light Livestock Equipment.  We are thrilled to be able to maintain cost-effective stalls for shows and other farm events on the East Coast. In 2023, we added two more Great Pyrenees pups from a neighboring breeder.  

We love spending time with our wonderful alpacas and Great Pyr dogs, and we love to talk about them!  Call us at 540-729-3000 or 757-472-0887 or email us at redbarnfarmsllc@